Gone With the Biscuits (page 3)

1. The men gather at the buffet for the great debate about the bake off. 2. 3. 4. 5. / 6. 7. 8. / 9.  “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.” 10. 11.  Charles HAMilton: “The Yankees can’t bake and we can!” 12. Alton Butler: “I think it’s … Continue reading

Gone With the Biscuits (page 2)

1. The barbeque picnic at the Wilkes’ place… 2. All the men were pursuing Scarlett’s favor… 3. Boris can’t resist a pretty face… 4. They were eating like pigs! And so were the pigs! 5. Some men were pursuing each other’s favor… 6. And lurking in the background, Charles HAMilton … Continue reading

The making of “Gone With the Biscuits” (2 of 3)

We have gotten totally sidetracked from WoN… (Just some preliminary photos… modding the dolls and making the set) Just goofing around with some Julia Child pictures today… found a couple that we liked, and we will incorporate her into one of the scenes. Here’s what we ended up with: < … Continue reading

So Long, Sarah!

Featuring SP,TFGOA!* (*Sarah Palin, The Former Governor Of Alaska) (If you want your own Sarah Palin action figure, go to herobuilders.com … no, we don’t own stock) (click here for disclaimer)   I’m Sarah Palin and I’m resigning as Governor of Alaska! Buh bye, Wasilla!   I can see Russia … Continue reading