Gone With the Biscuits (page 3)

1. The men gather at the buffet for the great debate about the bake off. 2. 3. 4. 5. / 6. 7. 8. / 9.  “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.” 10. 11.  Charles HAMilton: “The Yankees can’t bake and we can!” 12. Alton Butler: “I think it’s … Continue reading

Gone With the Biscuits (page 2)

1. The barbeque picnic at the Wilkes’ place… 2. All the men were pursuing Scarlett’s favor… 3. Boris can’t resist a pretty face… 4. They were eating like pigs! And so were the pigs! 5. Some men were pursuing each other’s favor… 6. And lurking in the background, Charles HAMilton … Continue reading

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Our tribute to that marvelous Ed Wood movie: Plan 9 From Outer Space (Special guest stars: Scully and Mulder)   And now for your consideration: It started out innocently enough, dinner for five. Friends eating al fresco on the diving board next to the golf course. The Tidewater Humidity Festival … Continue reading